Legal Careers
This activity allows students to discover the different legal professions. They will learn aspects of the legal world as well as the legal professions that are less well known by the public.
The first part of the activity allows students to familiarize themselves with the different professions related to the law. A PowerPoint presentation is available for this part. Next, students take the “Who Am I?” quiz. Using clues, students must guess the legal profession.
Educational objectives
To discover careers related to the law
To learn about the training and duties for each profession
Subjects and subject-specific competencies
Culture and Citizenship in Québec - Secondary IV
Cultural realities and compulsory main concepts: Justice and the law - Legal and judicial institutions.
Compulsory specific concepts, and related topics and examples: Courts and legal recourse.
- Competency 1: Studies cultural realities:
- Establishes the scope of the object of study:
- Calls on relevant concepts.
- Collects information.
- Establishes the scope of the object of study:
Explore vocational training
- Competence 1: Explore vocational training (learn about various occupations).
Personal orientation project
Competence 2: Situate oneself with regard to one’s career orientation (consider career path options).
Suggested length
1 period (approx 60 min)
General areas of training affected
Guidance and Entrepreneurship:
Knowledge of the world of work, social roles, trades and professions.
Interdisciplinary applications
Using information: Take ownership of and benefit from information.
Realize your potential: recognize your personal characteristics.
Related content
In its Legal Careers section, Éducaloi offers a directory and a portrait of various professions and occupations related to law and the law.
Éducaloi also offers you the possibility of having a volunteer legal professional come and lead a workshop, The Law: It’s Not Like in the Movies, to help you understand the key characters and the steps in a criminal trial.
External resources
Emploi Quebec’s (employment Quebec) labour market information site offers detailed information on many occupations: description, job prospects and training program.
Justice Quebec has a series of capsules (French only) presenting the different actors of the judicial system.