
Living in New France: A completely different reality!


Living in New France: A completely different reality!

Duration: 6 period(s)
Suggested level: Elementary Cycle Two
Subject: Social Sciences


During this activity, students will learn more about their rights and freedoms in modern-day Quebec through different scenarios.

Students will recreate different scenarios as they might have taken place during the time of New France and contrast them to how they would happen today. By looking at the many differences between the two situations, students will learn more about their rights and freedoms today.

Educational objectives

  • To help students learn about life in New France using scenarios

  • To show students how much society has changed since the days of New France

  • To explain the importance of individual rights today and where those rights come from – the law!

Subjects and subject-specific competencies

Geography, History and Citizenship Education. Chapter : French society in New France around 1645.

Competency 1 - To understand the organization of a society and its territory.

Competency 2 - To interpret change in a society and its territory.

Culture and Citizenship in Québec - Elementary Cycle Two

Cultural realities: Relationships between people - Group dynamics.

Compulsory content, and related topics and examples: Influence of the group, Inequalities based on sex and gender.

  • Competency in Cycle Two: Examines cultural realities:
    • Compares points of view:
      • Identifies discrepancies or tensions.
      • Compares ideas and reference points.

This activity can also be used to evaluate the oral communication in English courses.

Suggested Length

6 periods, 45-60 minutes each.