The Rights of Youth Here and Around the World
Warning! The Act respecting the regulation of work by children was assented to on June 1, 2023. This law aims to regulate child labour and provides a general age limit to work in Quebec, with some exceptions. As a result, our teaching guide is currently under review. |
Educational objectives
- To become familiar with the concepts of human rights and children’s rights
- To become aware that many children can’t benefit from the rights provided under the Convention on the Rights of the Child
- To look for ways to improve the situation of children around the world
- To try different types of arguments to convince others of their position
Subjects and subject-specific competencies
Culture and Citizenship in Québec - Secondary
Secondary II
Cultural realities and compulsory main concepts: Autonomy and interdependence - Autonomy.
Compulsory specific concepts, and related topics and examples: Freedom of choice.
Cultural realities and compulsory main concepts: Democracy and social order - Rights and responsibilities.
Compulsory specific concepts, and related topics and examples: Human rights.
Secondary IV
Cultural realities and compulsory main concepts: Justice and the law - Justice and Legal and judicial institutions.
Compulsory specific concepts, and related topics and examples: Principes of justice, Types of justice, Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
- Competency 1: Studies cultural realities:
- Analyzes social relations:
- Characterizes relations between individuals, groups and institutions.
- Situates these relations in time and space.
- Draws up findings.
- Analyzes social relations:
English Language Arts
- Competency 2: Represents her/his literacy in different media
Four periods
Connections with other subjects
- History and Citizenship Education: Winning of civil rights and freedoms
- Contemporary World: Chapter on Power – International and multilateral agreements
Broad areas of learning
- Citizenship and Community Life: Adoption of a culture of peace
- Health and Well-Being: Self-awareness and awareness of his/her basic needs.
Cross-curricular competencies
- Uses information: Gathers information and puts it to use
- Communicates appropriately
Related content
Children, teenagers and work
The rights of children when parents divorce
- Choosing Which Parent to Live With
- Changes in Child Custody
- Separation: myths and realities (series of videos)
Criminal system punishments for teenagers
- Understanding Criminal Law
- Responsibility for Criminal Acts
- Caught by the Police? What Happens Next?
- Youth Sentences
External pedagogical tools
- The website of Equitas – the International Centre for Human Rights Education – provides teaching guides on the rights of children and human rights generally
- Unicef has teaching resources about the Convention on the Rights of the Child
External resources
- Text of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
- The Convention on the Rights of the Child in language adapted to a young audience