Procès simulé: l'interrogatoire (French Only)
This activity recreates a key part of every criminal trial: the questioning of the witnesses. Students will learn the basics of the criminal justice system, the steps involved in questioning witnesses and the role of each actor in a criminal trial. Students then act out this part of a trial. This activity appeals to students’ sense of justice. They will role-play, analyze a situation, take a position and formulate questions to get to the truth.
Educational objectives
- To become familiar with Canadian criminal law
- To understand how a criminal trial works and the roles of the different actors
- To plan and implement an oral communication strategy
Subjects and subject-specific competencies
Culture and Citizenship in Québec - Secondary IV
Cultural realities and compulsory main concepts: Justice and the law - Justice and Legal and judicial institutions.
Compulsory specific concepts, and related topics and examples: Principes of justice, Types of justice, Process of a court case.
- Competency 1: Studies cultural realities:
- Establishes the scope of the object of study:
- Draws up preliminary questions and responses.
- Collects information.
- Establishes the scope of the object of study:
- Competency 2: Reflects on ethical questions:
- Engages in dialogue:
- Uses methods to support own ideas.
- Creates conditions conducive to interaction.
- Engages in dialogue:
Français, langue seconde
- Competency 2: Interagir en français
Three periods
Broad areas of learning
- Citizenship and Community Life: Promotion of the rules of social conduct and democratic institutions
Cross-curricular competencies
- Uses information:
- Gathers information and puts it to use
- Solves problems
- Communicates appropriately:
- Uses the appropriate mode of communication
- Manages the communication process
Related content
- Criminal Trials: Actors and Steps (Teaching Guide)
- Legal Careers (Teaching Guide)
- Criminal and Penal Cases in the court of Quebec: Procedure
- The Court System
- How Criminal Trials Work
- The Players in a Criminal Court Case
- Being a Witness in a Criminal Court Case
- Differences Between Civil and Criminal Trials
- It can be useful to do the activities in Criminal Trials: Actors and Steps beforehand to help students understand the main steps and people involved in a criminal court case.
External educational tools
- Expérience Justice (Télé-Québec). Topics concerning the criminal justice system in Quebec and intense one-on-one interviews with people who have experienced it first-hand. This is complementary content to a documentary series aired by Télé-Québec. (French only)
- Series of 12 videos (French only) on the steps involved in a criminal trial, produced by the organization Cliquez Justice (a website offering legal information for francophones outside Quebec)
External resources
- LET’S TALK LAW is a service offered by the Young Bar of Montreal. The service lets 12- to 20-year-olds speak to a lawyer for free. This telephone service is available to all youth in Québec, regardless of where they live.
- Legal aid allows low-income persons to receive the services of a lawyer free of charge (or at low cost) in certain situations.
- The Crime Victims Assistance Centres offer free help to victims of crimes.