
All about rules!

Duration: 5 period(s)
Suggested level: Elementary Cycle One
Subject: Culture and Citizenship in Québec, English Language Arts, Social Sciences, Français, langue seconde


Rules are an important part of society. From a young age, children are exposed to a series of rules on a daily basis. However, children and adults alike often question where these rules come from and whether they are fair.

  • Who makes the rules?
  • What is our role in determining the rules and laws that govern our daily activities?
  • Are they fair? 
  • Are all rules part of the law? 

This activity raises children’s awareness of the law through a philosophy for children approach. In the optional concluding activity, children work together to determine classroom rules. If they have a say in making the rules, they’ll be more willing to follow them and understand that the rules are applied democratically.

Educational objectives

  • To raise students’ awareness of the law in their lives 
  • To help students understand where rules come from
  • To help students realize that restrictions and responsibilities are subject to rights and freedoms
  • To establish classroom rules in a democratic manner, which helps ensure students follow them
  • To learn to speak in front of a group

Subjects and subject-specific competencies

Culture and Citizenship in Québec - Elementary Cycle One

Cultural realities: Relationships between people - Relationships between individuals.

Compulsory content, and related topics and examples: Roles and responsibilities in the family and at school.

  • Competency in Cycle One: Explores cultural realities:
    • Engages in dialogue:
      • Puts into place conditions conducive to interaction.
      • Supports own ideas.
      • Inquires about the ideas of others.


Approximately five periods of 45 to 60 minutes each