Our Conflict, Our Solution!
Conflicts don’t always end up in court with lawyers battling it out! In this scenario, groups of high school students who have a disagreement arrive at a win-win solution. This activity introduces students to mediation as an alternative method to prevent and resolve disputes.
Pedagogical objectives
- Introduce students to an alternative method to prevent and resolve disputes.
- Provide students with tools for dealing with conflicts peacefully.
- Determine the viewpoints and interests of various actors in a given situation.
- Practise using dialogue during disagreements.
Subjects and subject-specific competencies
Culture and Citizenship in Québec
Secondary IV
Cultural realities and compulsory main concepts: Justice and the law - Legal and judicial institutions.
Compulsory specific concepts, and related topics and examples: Courts and legal recourse, Mediation.
- Competency 2: Reflects on ethical questions:
- Engages in dialogue:
- Becomes aware of own feelings, reactions and initial point of view.
- Takes into account points of view, feelings and experiences of others.
- Examines a variety of points of view:
- Considers points of view and experiences.
- Engages in dialogue:
Broad areas of learning
- Citizenship and Community Life:
- Promotion of the rules of social conduct
- Adoption of a culture of peace
- Participation, cooperation and solidarity
- Career Planning and Entrepreneurship:
- Familiarity with the world of work, social roles and occupations and trades
Cross-curicular competencies
- Solving problems:
- Analyzing the different aspects of a situation
- Adopting a flexible approach
- Testing possible solutions
- Exercising critical judgment:
- Comparing his/her opinion with those of others
- Expressing his/her opinion
- Cooperating with others:
- Interacting with others while keeping an open mind
Related content
- Éducaloi’s article explaining mediation and its advantages
- Éducaloi’s article on the different steps of the mediation process
- Éducaloi also offers the ready-to-use Teaching Guides Don’t Fight, Mediate! and Médiation simulée to help you run a mock mediation session in class.
External pedagogical ressources
- L’Institut Pacifique (French only): pedagogical activities on mediation
- An episode from the series Le droit de savoir on participatory justice (French only)
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La mise à jour de ces documents a pu être effectuée grâce au soutien du CAIJ.
Cette activité exige une préparation de 30 minutes avec les élèves avant la venue du juriste bénévole.