Do you know your rights and responsabilities?

1. At what age can a person be charged with a crime? (Criminal responsibility)
A. 12 years old
A young person can be charged with a crime from the age of 12. However, a teenager is not the same as an adult in the eyes of the law!
The Youth Criminal Justice Act applies to young people who have committed a crime before they turned 18. This law makes it so that there are consequences, but they are not the same as for adults.

2. In Quebec, at what age can a person get married?
B. 16 years old, with the authorization of a judge
Before the age of 16, it is not possible to get married. A judge’s authorization is required for 16- and 17-year-olds.
The judge will make sure that the future spouses understand the responsibilities of marriage and that they are not getting married under pressure from their family or other people.

3. At what age does a young person have the right to make decisions about their health without parental consent? (prescriptions for certain medications, vaccination, abortion, consulting a psychologist, etc.)
B. 14 years old
From the age of 14, a young person can accept or refuse medical treatment required for their health. Parents do not need to be informed unless the young person has to spend more than 12 hours in a hospital.

5. You are in love with a 25-years-old. How old do you have to be to date this person? (Dating implies having sexual contact with the person)
A. 16 years old
As long as the 25-year-old is not in a position of authority or trust, you can have a sexual relationship with them if you are at least 16 years old.